Food & Body Liberation Resources for Everyone.

In this thoughtfully curated collection of resources I will share with you a sprinkling of some of the teachers, ideas, and information that has informed my knowledge and practice over the years. Certainly this isn’t everything. I am an information hound and my collecting of resources is extreme! If I weren’t a dietitian, quite likely I’d be a librarian. I’ll keep adding more as time goes on.

Resources are organized by primary topic (although they often overlap and are connected) and may be listed under multiple topics. The Health At Every Size® (HAES®) topic will have the most resources.

It is the totality of information and data, rather than any one source or point that we take in and that we then filter through the lenses of our own experience and internal sense of knowledge that guides us. There are many ways of knowing (thank you, Lucy Aphramor 💛). Use them ALL. They are all valid and wise. Above all, remain open-minded and curious. There is nuance and often conflicting and multiple truths at once, and time and more knowledge and experience can shift what we already know. This collection is definitely not the end-all-be-all, but it could certainly keep you busy for awhile….!

Please note - just because a resource is listed here does not mean that I necessarily recommend, favor, or endorse it. My guess is there is something here for everyone, but not everything will be for everybody!

We will do our best to keep these resources up-to-date. If you have something you’d like to suggest adding (especially local ones!) or if you notice a link is no longer viable, please contact us using the contact form or email us.

Resource topics include

  • Health at Every Size® (HAES®). This will have the most resources since it is such a broad area of focus. The HAES® Principles include Size Inclusivity, Health Enhancement, Respectful Care, Eating for Well-being, and Life-Enhancing Movement. Information on weight science, weight and health, “Healthism”, weight-bias, and weight-stigma, body-liberation and social-justice are included here and overlap frequently with Body Image. There is also some information here specifically about orthopedic surgery from when Nicole presented at the TRIA Sports Medicine Conference in February 2019. 

  • Intuitive Eating. This section will also have a lot of resources! Intuitive Eating refers both to the specific 10-principle approach in Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch’s books as well as “lower-case” intuitive eating which is a general term similar to “attuned eating” and “mindful eating” (although there are distinctions/nuance there too) and general non-diet or anti-diet resources. Eating disorder information will also be included here.

  • Mindfulness. This is a broad section that will also include some traditional mindful eating. General mindfulness and meditation resources can be found here as well as self-compassion and other general emotional and psychological topics.

  • Body Image. This is about someone’s relationship with their body and the resources frequently overlap with HAES. Body image includes cultural/societal messaging, weight-bias, weight-stigma, fat-positivity, race, gender, and sexuality, ability and other body-liberation topics. Body-liberation to me is freedom from oppression based on any and all seen and unseen aspects of the body, including pervasive and pernicious oppressive systems such as racism, ableism, misogyny, capitalism, patriarchy, white-supremacy, sizeism, homophobia, trans-phobia, and more. 

  • Food. Basic food info including selection, preparation, and eating, all as diet/weight-free as possible.

  • Physical Activity. General movement and activity, mindful motion, gear, and weight-neutral/body-positive teachers.

  • Kids and Teens. All of the above as translated specifically for kids and teens

  • Local Twin Cities / Minnesota Resources. All of the above that is local to Minnesota! Let’s connect with and support our local people! This is how we build community and a strong and vibrant body-liberation sub-culture to counter the dominant and oppressive diet- and weight-centric culture.

  • Weight Refusal Sheet. This is a resource to use when you don’t want to be weighed at the doctor’s office and could use some support to communicate that request. Created by Nicole and Ani Janzen (from the Radical Health Alliance - see local resources!), it is a pdf that you can download for free and customize for yourself.

Under each topic you will find:

  • Videos

  • Podcasts

  • Links & Websites

  • Books

  • Scholarly Articles (lots!)

Some are more geared toward the layperson, others more toward professionals in this field.